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Points System

Besides gaining reputation with your questions and answers, you receive badges for being especially helpful. Badges appear on your profile page, questions & answers.

  • 20 Points

    For Signing up.

  • 20 Points

    For referring a new user for paid membership.

  • 10 Points

    For referring a new user.

  • 5 Points

    When your answer has been chosen as the best answer.

  • 2 Points

    For adding an answer.

  • 1 Point

    Your question gets a vote.

  • 1 Point

    For choosing a poll on the question.

  • 1 Point

    Your answer gets a vote.

  • 1 Point

    Each time when a user follows you.

  • 1 Point

    For adding your social media links to your profile.

Buy points

  • 20 Standard Plan 2 USD

    This package gives you 20 points

  • 50 Premium Plan 4 USD

    This package gives you 50 points

  • 100 Hero Plan 6 USD

    This package gives you 100 points

Badges System

In the vibrant arena of VolleyballForums.com, your strategic plays and spirited contributions don’t just elevate the game—they earn you exclusive badges, marking you as a true volleyball enthusiast and community MVP. From delivering powerful spikes with your insightful answers to setting up your peers for success with thoughtful questions, each action on the court of discussion helps you score points in reputation and camaraderie.

As you leap higher in the ranks, these badges of honor—symbols of your dedication, knowledge, and sportsmanship—proudly display on your profile, questions, and answers, showcasing your achievements to the entire forum. Whether you’re a seasoned libero of knowledge or a rising star making your first serve, your contributions are what make VolleyballForums.com a winning team.

Join the play, share your expertise, and collect those badges as tokens of your valuable contributions and moments of victory within our community. Each badge not only reflects your love for the game but also your role in fostering a supportive and engaging environment for volleyball fans worldwide. Serve, spike, and score with us—where your passion for volleyball earns you more than just points in the game!

  • Rookie
    10 Points

    You must have a total score of 50 in at least 10 non-community wiki answers to achieve this badge. Highest scoring answer that outscored an accepted answer with a score of more than 10.

  • Team Player
    30 Points

    You must have a total score of 50 in at least 10 non-community wiki answers to achieve this badge. Highest scoring answer that outscored an accepted answer with a score of more than 10.

  • Game Changer
    50 Points

    You must have a total score of 50 in at least 10 non-community wiki answers to achieve this badge. Highest scoring answer that outscored an accepted answer with a score of more than 10.

  • ACE
    100 Points

    You must have a total score of 50 in at least 10 non-community wiki answers to achieve this badge. Highest scoring answer that outscored an accepted answer with a score of more than 10.

  • MVP
    150 Points

    You must have a total score of 50 in at least 10 non-community wiki answers to achieve this badge. Highest scoring answer that outscored an accepted answer with a score of more than 10.

  • Hall of Fame
    200 Points

    You must have a total score of 50 in at least 10 non-community wiki answers to achieve this badge. Highest scoring answer that outscored an accepted answer with a score of more than 10.